Monday, June 10, 2013


The Ijebu were the first Yoruba speaking people to have contact with the Europeans in the early 14th century.  By the 15th century, Ijebu was a highly organized and powerful nation, and defended itself against enemies.  Ijebu Empire was 2nd to Oyo’s empire in the 15th century.  Today, it can be unequivocally said that the Ijebu Empire still remains intact and its is the largest ethnic group in the Yoruba land.  Ijebu as a prime brass importing kingdom highlights the early importance of metalworking in Ijebuland.  They were the first set of people to manufactured gears of wars in history of Nigeria.  The Ijebu are the first Yoruba to have invented money made from cowry shells called “OWO EYO”, which was accepted throughout the kingdoms of Yoruba land until the European culprits came and destroy it.  After that they made legal tender coins called “PANDORA” made from silver materials, which were acceptable throughout Africa and Europe.  These coins were popularly known as “OWO IJEBU” in Yoruba language.  The Ijebu nation consisted of 5 divisions:


The Ijebu boundary extended as far as Dahomey now know as the Republic of Benin and inside Oyo, Ondo, Edo, and Delta States in Nigeria.  Ijebu established one of the best doctrines of laws in human history.  This law was used in their system of government.  They practiced democracy before the modern day democracy, and before the Colonialists knew Africa.  Ijebu Land is blessed because it has access to the Atlantic Ocean, the lagoons, rivers, and streams as well as several natural resources including natural gas, petroleum, tin, limestone, gold and arable land.  Ijebu’s climate is largely friendly and it varies from the equatorial east and west to the tropical middle belt and the arid north.  Ijebu used the mighty waterways to establish the most powerful trade route that put the entire region on the world map..........More Ijebu Origin & History


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